The Quit Smoking Expert

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Green Smoke E Cigarette NOT a Scam, Users Say

Consumers have been hesitant to buy from any of the electronic cigarette companies coming out in the past couple of years because the market is simply too new. Although the recent federal district court decision against the FDA's authority to regulate these products should help, for now it is simply too risky to take an internet company at its word.

The Hidden Storefront

If the Green Smoke e cigarette scam were true, the company likely wouldn't have the support base it has gained recently. "In the past 6 months, I've had my sales increase by about 10 times" says Mark Packer, a distributor in the New England area. "People are just now starting to come around." Although he makes a good point, Mr. Packer's sales increase doesn't really comfort buyers on the web.

People buying on the internet thus need a better way to tell whether a company is reputable. One popular way to tell is by reading consumer reviews. Although these aren't necessarily the most accurate means of information, reading several will reveal the facts you are looking for.

Criteria of A Genuine Company

When I did my research on whether there was a Green Smoke E Cigarettes scam, I focused on two main things: A money back guarantee and a customer service structure. As you can guess I found that both were to my liking.

So do you think that Green Smoke E Cigarettes are a scam? I certainly don't, but do your own research! And let me know.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Natural Quit Smoking Products UPDATE

Though there are some highly rated quit smoking product offerings on the market these days you need to realize that every single one of them only work in conjunction with the best quit smoking apparatus known to man-a healthy, focused mind. No matter which product you purchase, NONE of them will work unless you have decided in your mind you are going to quit. Even the most expensive Quit Smoking Product will fail until you have developed the internal desire to make the modification in your lifestyle and thought processes to quit smoking.

Your habits will have to change. For example, once you are able to make that drive past the usual place that you pick up your cigarettes, you start to win mind control over your addiction. The right quit smoking product will help but you must realize, there really are no magic bullets no matter what the product claims are!

Spend the time to figure out your "reason" before exploring which quit smoking product could be best for you, or whether you even require something to help you stop. Despite their claims a quit smoking product WON'T WORK until you fully understand and feel in your heart, that You Have To Quit Smoking!

Product claims aside, is your "Reason" for quitting smoking:

-Your Health? Many health reports show that based on averages for every cigarette you smoke, you lose at least a day of your live. (Even with these facts we all seem to know at least one or two 90 year old chain-smoking, Scotch-swilling, freaks of nature(and statistics) don't we?

-Your children? Obviously this one goes without saying. If they are the most important aspect of your life, it's probably time to start proving it by talking care of yours.

-Your spouse? Unless you are both smokers in need of quitting, they are probably the reason you are reading this report.

Whatever your reason, find one that strikes the strongest chord and solidifies your will to finally say goodbye to smoking forever. It's not as difficult as you might think once you have the right reasons etched in your mind. Once you have your reason to quit, you can start looking for a quit smoking product that could assist you in reaching your goal.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ways to Quit Smoking

There are plenty of them, I promise you. If you take a peek on a search engine you will be flooded with 'best advice.' Of course they are showing their wares to you and all of them trying to grab your attention with the message that their item is the one to consider.

Okay, you have to start somewhere so, start. What I advise is that you have a good look at the 'spread' instead of stopping at the first one. The trick is having a good look at a fair number of what's on offer. Have a points system based on your priorities. Sort of like buying a house or a car. Don't rush in. You can always come back.

Okay, let's see here. We have the patches, gums, inhalers, lozenges, acupuncture, laser, capsules, shots (injections), hypnotherapy, electronic cigarettes, herbal mixtures and potions. I have probably missed one or two obscure ones but you get the picture.

Easy, all you have to do now is choose and have a good life. I would like to advise or recommend but that is not why am here. On top of which, I may have my own preferences that you would not necessarily help you.

I was there once and I know what it is like. You just want to make sure the one you choose is right for you. Well of course you do! It's a maze out there and you just have to keep going until you see that opening. This is real life!

The thing is, if you do keep on looking, you increase the odds dramatically for cracking it. I can say this hand on heart because I have done it many times. It's almost like magic when it happens, but when it does, well done you! It has simply happened because you made it happen. Happy hunting!

Summary of FDA findings on E-Cigarettes is HERE!


* The report failed to present standard protocols for proper study design with regards to
the testing of the referenced control device, documenting the number of samples tested
either within or across tests, or presenting statistical analyses when quantifiable results
were obtained.
* The chemical content of similar nicotine-containing FDA-approved products was not
completely described with respect to the presence of tobacco-specific nitrosamines
(TSNAs) and other tobacco-associated impurities that have also been found in nicotine
replacement therapy (NRT) devices at similar, if not higher, levels.
* In the lots that were tested by the FDA, none of the key chemicals of concern in this
study such as TSNAs and tobacco-associated impurities were able to be quantifiably
measured in the liquid of NJOY’s cartridges because they were all below the limits of
quantification (LOQ).
* All of the tobacco-associated impurities found in the NJOY products were “present
but at less than the level of the Nicotrol® inhaler [manufacturer] specification”
according to the FDA report.
* There is no indication in the published scientific literature that cotinine or β-nicotyrine
are carcinogenic or have toxicity ratings of concern. These were the only tobacco-
associated impurities found in trace levels in the vapor phase of (some of) NJOY’s
* The report does not reflect the actual dose of nicotine delivered to the user from the
“control” Nicotrol® inhaler device when used as recommended by the manufacturer
(6–16 cartridges/day or 24–64 mg of nicotine, 50 mcg/100 mL puff). By comparison,
NJOY devices delivered 46 mcg/100 mL in the highest-strength cartridge tested,
according to the FDA report.
* Data presented in the report does not adequately support the opinion that users of
NJOY products would actually be exposed to TSNAs and tobacco-specific impurities
in the vapor phase during normal device use; and if exposed, that those levels would be
a health concern as compared to other FDA-approved products.

Electronic Cigarettes are Still Selling Out!

This Christmas season saw some positive results in some industries and found struggles in other sectors, but the one product that continued to experience massive growth was the electronic cigarette industry. Not surprisingly, many shoppers decided to purchase an electronic cig for their family members this Christmas.

According to one industry insider, thus far results have been mixed. “Shortly after the holidays we received a few returns from family members who had no interest in finding an alternative to cigarettes. However, within the past few weeks we have been seeing new customers purchase cartridges and have had some wonderful phone calls from new customers who loved the product. That is always such a great feeling to hear that someone is really going to give the electronic cig a chance, particularly if they Weren’t even seeking it out themselves.”

While there are no statistics on this, this industry insider believes that electronic cigarettes are really helping smokers throughout the country cut back dramatically on smoking. “I know of many examples of people who have either cut back on cigarettes or have quit altogether. Obviously without statistics, you can’t know for sure how effective the product is, but common sense seems to indicate that this product is helping someone. How else could you explain the growth?”

Despite corporate America essentially turning their collective backs on the industry, it has continued to thrive in less than ideal conditions. In fact, in this high growth industry, employment is also soaring. This seems like the ideal industry for the government to really stand behind. There is tremendous potential for health savings with a decrease in smoking and the potential for a huge number of jobs in the industry as it continues to Grow.

And yet, many huge corporations have chosen to work against the industry instead of working with the electronic cig industry. EBay will not allow electronic cigarettes on their website. Paypal will not accept payments related to e-cigs. Amazon will not allow sales on their website. Google will not allow advertisements on their ads. Who are these large corporations even selling out to? That is the real question, as the reality is that this is a product that at least has the potential to help millions of Americans. It seems as though corporations and the government should be working for the common citizen, not against the common citizen. But clearly, this is one case where this absolutely is not happening. This isn’t to say that every company has turned its back on the industry. For instance, Yahoo has been very helpful and has allowed electronic cigarette companies to advertise and make sales.

The problem with this corporate stance is that there is no real reason for it. The alternative to an e-cigarette is a real cigarette. Unless they want to start claiming that cigarettes are safer than e-cigs, this just doesn’t make sense. While the jury is still out on e-cigs, why not allow the American consumer to decide what is best for them? Throughout Europe this is a flourishing industry, and it seems as though we should Follow their lead.

Cigarettes are really bad news, and anything that might prevent their use seems like it should be welcomed with open arms. While some state governments have made moves to prevent the sale of smoke free cigarette as well, this has been most unsuccessful. In fact, in California Governor Schwarzenegger had to veto one such bill.

So although there are the Google and the California legislature, at least there are also the Yahoos and the Schwarzenegger’s as well. Common sense seems to dictate that we would hope this new product can help some people out. So the question is, who are the Google and EBays selling out to? Doesn’t Google have enough money already? Although I suppose if Google is willing to do business in China despite serious limitations on the internet, they appear willing to make similar concessions here in the United States.

Smoking hazards have attracted universal attention and even if you are an occasional smoker you must admit that smoking is like slow poisoning. It has been found that more people die due to smoking related diseases than other illness. In a traditional cigarette, nearly 4000 harmful chemicals are present and this is more than enough to affect your body and lead to fatal diseases. Studies indicate that smoking gives the person a kind of physical as well as psychological satisfaction. When a smoker takes a drag, he receives a kind of pleasure and also he feels a comfort in holding the cigarette between his fingers. Besides, most smokers enjoy the sight of swirling smoke that is been released from their mouth and nostrils. People who are desperate to quit smoking have found retreat in alternative means like nicotine patches. Even though the patches give pleasure of nicotine intake, the smoke is not present in them.
The introduction of e-cigarettes has come as a boon to the smokers. Electronic Cigarettes or otherwise known as e-cigs are a great innovation that offers an entirely new smoking experience. It is a battery powered device which contains liquid nicotine in cartridges. When you take a drag it produces a vaporized smoke that would be exactly like the real smoke. The cartridges provide chemicals that would give the nicotine kick while you inhale it. The smoke would be nicotine flavored and since the fumes are harmless it would not pollute the air. The e-cigs are designed exactly like traditional cigarettes and this gives a genuine feel for the smokers. The experience of holding it between fingers would also be satisfied by using e-cigs. Yet another advantage of e-cig is that it is not prone to passive smoking dangers. Passive smoking is equally dangerous like normal smoking as the persons or even kids in your vicinity would be affected by the smoke. The e-cigarettes ensure that the persons around you are not affected by the smoke.
Apart from nicotine, the cartridges are also available in other exciting flavors called as e-juices. These e-juices come in different flavors including banana, blueberry, chocolate, raspberry, cola, cool mint, coffee bean etc. These flavors would make sure that you get satisfaction in taking a drag. The electronic cigarettes usually have rechargeable batteries. The flavor cartridges can be refilled as need arises. The amount of e-juice required would be based on personal needs and generally an average of 30-60 ml of e-juice would be enough for a month. The nicotine concentrations in the cartridges can also be selected based on choices as it would vary from mild, normal and high concentrated ones. If you are planning to quit smoking, you can lessen the level of nicotine and quit gradually. Electronic cigarettes have surpassed the traditional smoking methods in many ways. The public smoking of e-cigarettes are not yet banned. As the cigs are free from fire, ashes and butts, you would no longer need an ashtray. Your clothes and body wouldn't stink like smoke and you wouldn't have to suffer the hardships of smokers' breath. With the new generation smoking, you can enjoy the pleasure of taking a drag anywhere sans fear.

Be Smart About Your Electronic Cigarette Purchase!

With today's global financial crisis, nobody in his or her right mind would want to waste money. No matter how small or simple a thing is, it should be worthy of every penny and must be used at its best. And definitely included on those things to which money will not be wasted are electronic cigarettes.

As their name states, e-cigs are electronic devices. They are the latest smoking tools that can effectively serve as alternatives to traditional cigarettes. They are still fairly new products, having been invented just last 2003 in China. Sometime after their invention, they were imported to United States and Europe where they have gained greater exposure.

The benefits that these new smoking devices offer to their users are the ones that had made them rise in popularity. Until today, those same benefits and more additional features are gaining the interest of more and more smokers. And although there are some who had been so negative about them, they remain and still continue to sell big.

Though smokeless cigarettes are generally not a waste, they could be wasted. That means that you could get nothing from them. Though they are capable of producing good results, it is possible for them to be useless. And that could be mainly due to the way you purchase and utilize them. To avoid wasting electronic cigarettes, here are some of the basic things that you should implement.

  • Do not purchase without any knowledge about the product. Any information that you can know about your available option will help you determine the worthiness and effectiveness of it. Read product reviews to determine the strength and weakness of a particular e-cig.

  • Do not over charge the battery. Like any device, over charging can drain electric cigarette's battery. If not to render your smoking device totally damaged, it could have purchase another battery which is an added expenses.

  • Do not clean the device if not needed and if you don't know how to properly do it. To do so can damage the device. As a result, you might not fully experience the benefits that the new smoking devices can give.
  • Do not leave the device just anywhere. This can also damage your e-cig. Make sure to keep it in safety for longer use.
As devices, smokeless cigarettes can also be wasted. However, with the effective implementation of the given steps, that can be prevented.